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i really enjoyed the first mission on this game and so i have come back for more! :D 

Play more, please :)

Just to give you one important tip for this game

1 shot to the head = 1 kill,

few shots on body= 1 kill,

so its best to hit the head.

i will happily play more :D and thankyou for the very helpful tips! :)

(1 edit)

this game is really good, you can take this game really far. Storming of the beaches is awesome, the gun play though feels like playing multiplayer game with 100000 ping, its really hard to hit people. Overall the game is really good. 

Add a aussie faction

Thank you. This is already planned, so i will do my best.

here Marco you should add a Australian faction to your game it would be awesome

Thank you. This is already planned, so i will do my best.

does this game have strong words because i'm only 10?

It is a game about war...

Hi david.

The game has mature contents like blood and strong language.


this game was on fire! really impressed with the graphics and the gun mechanics! i love how you can choose which side you want to be as, overall, great game! :D

Thank you so much, appreciated. And very cool channel. Greetings Marco.

your most welcome! :D and thankyou very much! :)


hey Marco i have 8 awesome ideas for you

1 you should add smoke grenades

2 you should also add land mines

3 you should also add a Australian faction

4 you should also add melee weapons

5 you should also add a trench gun

6 you should also add mounted machine guns

7 you should also add the crusader tank

8 you should also add the ross rifle

there you have it Marco those are my ideas i hope you liked them and i hope to see most of these in your game Marco


Most of the content you just mentioned are already planned, others are nice ideas. I will do my best after releasing V0.6.

can you make it to where you can customize the character you are? 

in other word like you choose the uniform (each team has a different one) 

choose your weapon (primary and melee side arm is all ways a hand gun

and an online choice and also a button for surrender?

if not ok and I understand, because I love the game as it is cause its fun but I wish the enemy did see me instantly when I'm hiding in tall grass as a sniper... but still its fun as hell and I can tell you put a lot of work in this and I love what it has become. keep up the good work.

Hi. I will consider this, thank you.

thank you, your doing great with the game.

good job with the flamethrower. can I post videos on youtube of gameplay and give them names and when I die the video ends or I just keep playing for the fun of it cause I wouldn't wanna stop playing this game. but I thought since its your game I should ask for your permission instead of just posting without permission or owner ship.

A restart option would be nice so I don't need to quit to the menu


For the moment "menu" is the restart option. As you can see, mission dosn't require any loading. Just "resetting" the game needs one. So when you go to the menu is a kind of "resetting game", where you can anyway switch to another mission if you prefer, without any supplementar mission loading.

hey Marco i really love your game so far keep up the great work and i really liked the past few updates to!

Thank you. I hope you will enjoy the November 1th update. It will a total change on AI, and it will include some new missions. And maybe also some guns and vehicles. 

hey marco can you add more battles that arent focused around beaches?

actualy scratch that. you should focus on the 1 thing that bothers me and my friends,  and thats the sprinting. idk its like the animation makes you feels so so slow also we feel you should boost sprinting speed just a bit. but please try youre best to make a better running animation, just something more "fluent"

Hi. All mission in the current version are just for testing. They will get many changes and several new missions will added soon. All mechanics can also get changes. Animations too. This is a preview that shows the game tipology, not the final product. Thank you anyway for your feedback. 

Deleted 7 years ago
Deleted 7 years ago
(1 edit)

Hey Marco,  I'm a big fan of your game, i think its lots of fun and enjoy playing it two things i would love to see added down the line,

>Flamethrower would be sick 

>Australian/ Anzac forces 

Cheers and keep up the great work

(1 edit)

Already working on flamethrowers.

Hi Marco, do you have any alternate file hosting sites to download this game from? Like Mega for example? The connection to itch is really slow (at least for me) and your game download is keep on failing on me. Thanks 

I'm sorry, for the moment just 

No problem!

so Marco i have a idea for a DLC you could make so this DLC will be based off of the Napoleonic wars and all the stuff in that era so here are some things you could make in that DLC

1 so you should make the factions like the British empire or the french empire or even the Russian empire

2 so you should make the weapons so like the musket or the rifle or the pistol or even the swords

3 so you should also make the classes so like line infantry or light infantry or cavalry or even rifle man

4 you should make naval warfare so like ships shooting with cannons to kill there enemys and this would be cool for multiplayer and you could chose which ship you want

5 you should also make the uniforms for different regiments for like the British or the french or the other factions

there you have it Marco hope you liked the idea of this DLC you could
add and glad you made this amazing game it,s really fun glad you made
the game and by the way i,m Canadian but as always keep the awesome work
i hope to see this DLC in your game

P.S sorry i had not talked in ages i am really busy in my life but i,m back now

Its a good idea i somewhat feel this idea should be a separate game, and this game is NOOOOOOO WHERE near ready for DLC and is still in early stages.

Marco do you plan on going for steam greenlight? if so i can get people to play the game and vote for it. its a game i think deserves to be on steam early access. 

Yes, steam direct to be precise. Steam greenlight is no more aviable, the new platform is Direct, witch allow users to publish their game more easily.

i agree if post when u plan on doing this and i will happily back it and share it : )

im a big WW2 fan and i enjoy the game thx

it works now thx man

ok lemme check

my link isnt working so just copy and paste this .             file:///Users/Zackary%20Turner/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202017-10-20%20at%2010.34.20%20AM.png

New version uploaded. tell me if it's now ok.

Hey Marco when i downloaded this game for mac the game looked like a rainbow unicorn pooped on everything. please tell me how to fix this issue. im probally going to try to download it on my windows pc. i was just seeing it on my school mac. Also is there a different website that i can get this game and get consistant updates with out haveing to reinstall? please get back to me about my rainbow problem. file:///Users/Zackary%20Turner/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202017-10-20%20at%2010.34.2... this is the link to a picture of my problem

New version uploaded. tell me if it's now ok.

Hey Marco, I think you updated the game 15 hours ago so I redownloaded it. But when I open the game, I got stuck in the loading screen. Fix please.

(1 edit)

I know that. it was a development test. When you see on the game page a built with a "b" on the version name is a testing one. For example 15h ago it was "0.5.4b". The current one "0.5.5" is a stable one.

Oh ok. Now I can't play Easy Red for now but I'll be patient :)

Version ready. It should work now.

(1 edit)

So whats new in this version, Marco?

Every time i write all new features at the bottom of the page. 

New Features:

-New german medics.

 -New voices.

 -Lot of fixes. 

-Big performance improvement.

 -General fixes.

This time is a little update, because i am working on a totally new AI to make mission more funny (and easy to create, so new missions will added more frequently)

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hey Marco , i was just wondering if maybe in the next update, you could fix an issue i had with the Thompson gun. the type of gun is the one from Omaha beach. when you walk and aim, your armor gets in the way. and you would have to take it off the armor to fix it. so maybe next update the placement of the gun or something will be fixed? thanks. (this is just a suggestion) 

Of course it will. Thank you.

i have enjoyed the game so far but there have been quite a few problems with textures showing up pink and not being able able to see the scope when aiming down it. however i am on mac so i suspect that is why it is happening. also i think it would be much more fun if guns did  a bit more damage to make it feel more realistic. just an idea tho.

Thank you. I will check.

A small suggestion. Add an option to disable the auto bolt opening after shooting. Sometimes I do that think later after finding a good cover. It's also annoying for me with sniper rifle while looking at the scope.

You can already do that keeping mouse fire button pressed after firing.


Marco, I have a small suggestion. Please add a key to loot faster than just click and drag like shift+click.

you can already click mouse wheel to do that.

(1 edit)

Hey Marco. Something is wrong with the sniper when I look at the scope. Sometimes my character's thumb is blocking the scope view and its annoying XD. Please fix it.

Thank you. I already noticed it, and fixed it for next built. Finally i submitted a stable and nice version, so i'm going to make much more news before releasing next update, so i think you will have to be annoyed per a few time. But if everything will okay, next update will really an important one about AI and mission gameplay.


The optimization (in my system) just made the game go slow-mo when I'm in a middle of a fight. I hope the next updates fixes this.

Still looking forward for this game's future! <3

Optimizations are more powerfull every built. So soon or later this should't be a problem anymore. Anyway, make sure you didn't press the - key button. - and + button make the game go fast forward and slow motion. It's a development function.

Does playing as a medic have a medkit or any healing tool?

from the update released fewbhours ago yes, you can heal yourself and allies with first aid kits given to medics.

Oh cool! When I open the game, it just put me into action in Omaha Beach without a menu or anything. When I finish Omaha Beach it just restarts in the same level. Can I play other levels like in the old version or is this all part of your plan?

oh yes of course. My mistake. I fix this immediatly when i come home. Sorry.

(1 edit)

it's ok you don't need to apologize. Is it already fixed? I'm having troubles about this website. I can't tell if this game has been updated or not XD

Yes. Patch has just been released. 

when i try to open it it says that it is unsecure and windows wont let me open it the last one i had worked 

With the 'insicure medsage' there are teo buttons: A big "cancel" and a small "start anyway".

will this come to MacOS because it looks like a really fun game and would love to play on my Mac : )

yes, very soon.

ok thanks I'll keep my eye out for that

Mac version is out.

ok thanks look  forward to playing : )

for a little bug i hided files. I will reupload it this evening (italian time). Check in 5 hours it will online. 

Deleted 7 years ago

I have the solution when it ask's you that you need to click More info then Run then it will show you the 7zip file. If your on windows 10 that is it's not a virus don't worry.

Exactly. This is not a bug, you just have to click on "unpack anyway".

Well i downloaded the file (Easy Red.exe) and i clicked the .exe file, but it does nothing and just showed a loading cursor and stopped. I'm still figuring this problem out but got nothing. Is this a problem on the download or my pc?

Sorry for the problem. I just fix it.

Marco I have Easy Red question: How do you heal someone or yourself if your the medic?

class like engineer, medic, Officer, radioman are not complete so for the moment they are just skin and gun. Soin you will able to do lot of more stuff like heal ally and yourself.

I downloaded the new version, but when I click to play the game, it says "Crash_2017-10-13_225114" has been generated.  I downloaded a second time but it still didn't work. Is their something wrong with the download?

Sorry for the problem. I just fix it.

Hey Marco i'm trying to download the 5.1 Easy Red 190MB update but i download it and the it send me to 7ZIP and the i extract it but  everything is a data error? I extract these files to a a directory a empty folder and when i click the EXE.this message pop's up: 'Easy Red has encountered a problem and must close ' ' Crash_2017-10-13_235240 has been generated these files can be sent to CorvoGames for analysis'. i have the previous Easy Red installed and that works perfectly can you explain me this problem Much Thanks.

Try to delete it and download again. This usually happens when the broadband is spread across different devices or tabs in your browser. So when it downloads, try to stick to one tab (the downloading tab) and have no other app that primarily uses internet be open. If it doesn't work try, like, a few more times. If it all doesn't end up for you or you have a good broadband, then it's most likely to be the game zip file itself.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your reply your probably right, i do indeed have like 10 tabs open at same time i will do this now thanks! : )

Sorry for the problem. I just fix it.

Let me know if the next update is released. I'm still playing the old version.

yes, it is! If you gad the mission bug it solved now.

In the website, when click download in the your game page, is it the updated one(which is fixed)?

yes. And tomorrow a new one (with some little news) will uploaded. Every 2-3 days game is uodated.

Hello may i ask what did u use to make the game because i want to start developing  too

(1 edit)

Hi. You have to use several different programs. I can tell you the most important ones that I use, but there are lot of differents alternatives. I use Blender for 3D models, and Gimp for skins and textures, Visual studio for coding, Audacity for audios and musics, and Unity Engine for development. I hope you will find your own way for your game.

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