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Deleted 6 years ago

Hi. I haven't done anything particular. The only thing i can say is that using 7zip (that compress into .7z files) it become even smaller (but you must have 7zip installed for decompressing, that's why i use common zip files)

Deleted 6 years ago

Wait,so this game is paid on Steam and free here,Also,where is version 1.0.1?

Hi. Yes, but this version dosn't contains all features and it is updated only at v.1.0

Yea,I noticed that,good game,gives me some flashbacks from the original CoD,I bought it from steam.

Hello everyone ,

I hope it's still allowed to post a video here : 

Because we are having Double fun on Omaha beach! ( playing a workshop map and the Original Omaha beach ) 
-> Marco, You are doing a great job improving this game with every update you throw at us :D

Thank You for letting me share this with You  all, 

Have a awesome day! 

- Perry

*YouTube : Letsplaywithperry

*Twitter : Letsplayperry


Hi. Nice video, as always! Of course, you can post what you want here. 

Thanks a lot Marco :D

I don't know where to start I love this game its very simple yet fun and intense, my favourite map is sword beach as it has bunkers and a great spawn area. The gun play is good but saying that you need to fix the fov because every time I aim my arm bugs out I also think at times wow for a game on Itch the voice acting isn't that bad but really I'll be honest it seems like there is none at times I can be in a firefight with 20 men on each side and all I hear is 1 or 2 guns going of and no dialogue I just think it would make it much more intense to have guns going of and yelling the german voice sounds casual like its a game of poker not a war the ai needs slight improvement but other than that this game is the best game I have ever seen on (Other than ravenfield nothing beats that) anyway this game is great and I love it keep it up and this can become a great game for now though I know that you need money for development but I really think for now it should be free (Also any d-day map at more shuttles BUT to have good fps kill off most of the other people in the shuttles and leave a bit alive kind of cinematic)

I don't know where to start I love this game its very simple yet fun and intense, my favourite map is sword beach as it has bunkers and a great spawn area. The gun play is good but saying that you need to fix the fov because every time I aim my arm bugs out I also think at times wow for a game on Itch the voice acting isn't that bad but really I'll be honest it seems like there is none at times I can be in a firefight with 20 men on each side and all I hear is 1 or 2 guns going of and no dialogue I just think it would make it much more intense to have guns going of and yelling the german voice sounds casual like its a game of poker not a war the ai needs slight improvement but other than that this game is the best game I have ever seen on (Other than ravenfield nothing beats that) anyway this game is great and I love it keep it up and this can become a great game for now though I know that you need money for development but I really think for now it should be free (Also any d-day map at more shuttles BUT to have good fps kill off most of the other people in the shuttles and leave a bit alive kind of cinematic)

where is download link?

I Just added download link. Sorry, i was releasing Version 1.0 and i needed some times for uploading it.


how to instal

I Just added download link. Sorry, i was releasing Version 1.0 and i needed some times for uploading it.

where are the download links?

hi. Sorry, download link will updated tomorrow at version 1.0 . It has been removed since it was an older version then the Steam release.

Hello everyone,

I've played this a while back and it was awesome.

and Thanks to Jason ( JayPlaysOfficial )  i got a free steam key for the game. ( Thanks to Marco as well ofcourse for giving him a spare key! )

( The steam version is 1.0 atm. so i recommend you checking it out on steam. 
Because this game is so well made i also wanted to share the  gameplay of version 1.0.  )

Have fun and please let me know what You think of the game/gameplay/video.

Easy Red #1 : Storm Utah Beach, Chaaaarge! :  

Wish You all a awesome day,

- Perry

* YouTube : Letsplaywithperry , Twitter : @Letsplayperry

(2 edits)

Some ideas for AI behaviours to make the AI feel smarter.

1.AI with smgs will fire his gun rapidly while walking to a near target. It will make an AI with smg in close range more dangerous. The moving while shooting makes it harder to hit it.

2.AI with mgs will fire rapidly to near targets but without walking/moving.

3.AI with bolt action rifle will run away for an ammount of time if there is more than 4 enemies nearby.

4.AI with bolt action rifle will shoot near targets while walking/moving (to make it harder to hit). If more than 4 enemies nearby (number 3).

5.AI will stay crouching or proning (when implemmented) if their hp is low.

when will the update come out with the custom missions DUNKIRK

Hi. As I said, missions and campaign outside normandy are not already planned.

Next week update will contains the Mission Editor. With that tools everyone will able to create his own mission. If you want, you can make Dunkirk mission using it.

ive been wanting to try this, thank you Marco for the time u put into this. 

hi marco. thanks for the game! i bought the game on steam and am running it on my mac. the first time i played the game, it worked fine. i played a short survival mode for 10 minutes or so, then quit. but now everytime i open the game, 1 second after i reach the in-game main menu, the whole thing closes  :( i reinstalled the game but it still quits on me. there is no "application not responding" message, or crash report. hope we can fix this! thanks, dust

also, i downloaded the demo to test (and play ;) ), and it works fine.

Hi. So sorry for this problem I guess your save data is corrupted. here's how you can fix it: C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\LocalLow\CorvoGames\Easy Red and delete the datamanager.dat file. so sorry for this prolem.

yes marco :) it worked! thanks very much for your help and very quick response. youre the best! thanks again for the game, dust

hey again marco. the problem has happened again unfortunately. after i completed the first beach mission, the game closed. when i reopened the game, again as soon as the in game menu appeared the game closed again :/ i guess i can just keep deleting the datamanager.dat.file for now, but i hope this problem can be fixed properly soon!

(2 edits)

Hi. thank you for your feedback. It must be a problem with mac pc's. I'll fix this on next update. So sorry for this problem.

If you can please send me a copy of one corrupted datamanager zipped to this mail i can analize it and find the problem. 

also, please immediatly after getting a crash, send me your log files (shouldnbe at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log)

thank you marco. will send all that over today. best, dust

Marco I have a question. where can I get the full version free?


Hi. I'm sorry, to get the full game and all the future updates/dlcs you have to buy it on Steam. 

where is the full game, i mean not the demo

Hi. Full game is here:

Hi Marco  is the demo version 8.2 ?


yes, updated at the last game version. Lot of fixes and improvements has been made.


ah I see thanks


hopefully your game does well on steam and that you become successful on and continue to make more games :D 


Starting a giveaway for the Steam version! Also here's the first video I made (one of the first videos of this game):

Haven't played, but I know it will be awesome! :D

Thank you!

Keep crosshair like it is now. focus for development of AI and make gums more deadly,shooting guns feel realistic but enemies take lot of damage.....

Your game is looking good keep working 

Hi! Crosshair will fixed anyway, AI will have the same life of the player because of this game is a simulator. Increase player life is increas life of all units.

Maybe you can also make a harder mode or something like that. So that the enemies have more health and you do the same or less damage to them.

I just got an idea. Elimination mode: Both sides start with an ammount of soldiers and reinforcement tickets if have any. The main goal is to kill all soldiers on the enemy side. Reinforcement tickets will exchange a dead soldier with a new one. Example game: Omaha Beach Axis=50 Allies=30 + 60 reinforcement ticket. So the axis side is filled with 50 men at the start of the game and your team task is to kill all of the 50 men which mean eliminate enemy occupation on a location. The allies side start with 30 men. Every time one of allies soldier dies, a new one will spawn and decrease the ticket. When the ticket reaches zero, no more reinforcement comming. In this mode there is no capturing points, just eliminate.

I think it's a very good idea. Only this piece is a little bit unfair;): Axis=50 Allies=30 + 60 reinforcement ticket.

I think it's fair. The axis have 50 men right from the start guarding their side. Many of them will fire at the allies on the beach. While the allies start with 30 men that can respawn when died as long as the reinforcement tickets still there.

I will think about this! Very nice!

It's not actually a gamemode. Just another way to play a mission instead of the normal capturing.

Will there be map editor and custom map sharing using steam workshop? This addition can be very good.

Sorry i forgot to reply to this in other posts: Yes, it can be made. But i need a couple weeks for this.

I have a question. Will you also be watching the comment section on for tips an suggestions?

(1 edit)

Of course i wil.

And in which timezone do you live. It's a weird question but then I know when I can contact you.


(1 edit)

Me too. That's handy.

Deleted 5 years ago

The difference is that the demo version only is available on and that it only is going to get updated on the Steam version from now on.

I bought the game, but I still do not have crosshair

Hi! I think i found the reason! I'm working to fix it in the next week's update for Steam! You got an extremely rare problem, it depends from your pc's intalled fonts, it's hard to explain, anyway it will fixed soon! Sorry for the problem!

I do not have a health indicator in the game.

Do you want help me choosing one? 

Take a look here and tell me what you like!

I like this one

I like it too! What about switching crosshair from game settings?

(1 edit)

I don't know what that means. I'm not so good at coding. And sorry if this is a dumb answer.

And maybe you could also widen the crosshair is you run. And if you run that the bullets don't exactly come where you point your crosshair.

(1 edit)

Some feedback. If you run and you strafe left and right you stop running. Is that intentional or is that a bug. Besides that it's a really good game.

I didn't notice this! Thank you it will fixed for steam version!

I bought the game. I hope it get's far better than what it already is.

It will updated with the same constance that he has on itch. Updated every 1/2 weeks and with lot of news every time.

(1 edit)

A nice idea: ingame map editor to make custom maps (historical or fictional). Also a steam workshop support to share your maps. Also melee battles need to be less simple. Pressing f to attack. Hold f to defend. Instead of punch how about stabbing with knife or bassing with guns?

Also can you make the AI take cover when under heavy fire or outnumbered?

Make them taking cover could be difficult, i can make them go prone, hoping they are behind trenches or walls. It's really hard to make them understanding the surrounding area. The system that they use to move in the ambient needed several months.

I was working on stabbing just right now!

(2 edits)

Prone is a good idea. How about the user friendly map editor idea and sharing maps with steam workshop? Also can the AI's firerate increased the more closer the target is if the AI use smgs or mgs?

Hi! Since the damage are so realistic, a too accurate shooting AI nearbie can be devastating! I'll think about it :\

Don't need to be accurate when nearby. Just the high firerate.

Hi Marco! How did you come up with the name of the game?

Hi! During the d-day the beaches were divided in sectors; Omaha Beach was divided in 5, on of them was Easy Red 

aha I see, that was smart of you! I love the attention to historical accuracy in this game!

Thank you so much!

Where is the game on Steam? It's 1 December but it just says that it is in early access

(1 edit)

Hi! I'm so sorry, i already contacted the steam support, the game appear as published regularly. There's must be something wrong with the package, and i can't do anything, i am waiting for their answer. I hope this will fixed soon as possible, I really hope they will not take more then 2 days for answer me. I'm so sorry.

It doesn't matter. I just thought that there maybe was something wrong with my Steam.

It should be fixed now. Thank you for reporting the error.

the last video i post on here! this game is just immense, cannot wait for future updates on steam! really good job Mr dev! :D


As always amazing.

Is there going to be paid dlcs? And how much the price after the 40% discount?

(1 edit)

Hi. If there will be DLCs they will free. The price of the game will 3.99$. For the first week there will be a 40% of discount, so i guess something like 2.50$

I have bought it. Thanks.

Thank you! every single support is always appreciated! I hope you will enjoy future updates! Having some money to spent had the possibilty to contact professional voice actors!

i,m sorry to say this Marco but i,m done with your game becuase if your not going to update it here and only update it on steam and plus i hate it when people make a great game on and put it on steam plus i have no money on steam so good bye Marco

AND REPLY TO ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(2 edits)

I'm sorry that you hate when people makes progresses on their carreer.


I recently began playing this game, and I have to say I enjoyed it! Can't wait to see further content, I'm very glad my friend JayPlaysOfficial introduced me to it, I shall be spreading word about this game cause it has so much potential!!!

Hi and thank you so much. Your positive feedbacks are the best part of this project. Glad you like it. 

I do not have a crosshair in the game, how can I turn it on?

Hi. This is strange. Are you playing from Mac or Windows?

I play on windows

I'm trying to get the same problem to fix it. 

(1 edit)
I bought the game, but I still do not have crosshair

How about cruel mode? You will be chosen some random missions in a right order and you will start from the first one. If  you die in cruel mode, you will return back to main menu (game over). This mode will make a unique experience, where you are afraid to die.

Hi, nice idea i like it. I'll do something like this.

An awesome suggestion: Soldiers will react to their wounds. If you shoot their legs, the soldiers will become limb or have difficulties to walk. If you shoot their arms, the soldiers will drop their weapons sometimes and unable to wield weapons again. Some soldiers don't die, instead they will be wounded and can be healed by medic. Wounded soldiers sometimes surrender. All wounds can be healed by medic, some wounds need longer time to heal. Wounded soldiers will shout "medic". Medic can also pull wounded soldiers to somewhere saver before healing them.

Hi, i'm working in something like that. It is really a cool idea.

can I  get closed beta if there is one, by the way your game is the best!!!!!


Thank you so much. There is a kind of closed beta reserved for youtubers. If you need more details, please write me at

How much is this game going to cost on Steam, because I have a little bit off money left over on my Steam account so paying is easier.? Thanks 

(1 edit) (+1)


3.99$ with a 40% of sale for the first weeks.

Anyway, donating how much you want on before the 1th of December will make you receive a free key.

Then I am definitely going to buy your game!! Thank you very much for a reply.

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