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i really do love this game! it has so much potential and has had so much work put into this! lots of respect to the dev for how much work he has put into this! :D 

i am 

Hi and thank you so much. I would like to contact you for a little question. Where can i do that? 

Your most welcome :D and you can message me via Email? or discord? :D

Sent you a mail :)

Hello Marco! I think that since you will not be on itch anymore for suggestions and stuff, maybe you could create a discord server. For people who want to suggust/ talk to you about development! 


Interesting idea. I will  think about that.

I like the art style of the first loading screen. Maybe a setting to make the game looks like that.

That kind of rendering could be very heavy for the cpu, but i will see if i can add it anyway as extra option.

Hi Marco, when will this be released on steam?

(1 edit)

Hi. The 1th of December it will available on Steam. At least one last free update is planned to be released on

That is great! Best of luck with the game!

so Marco i,m sorry to say this but i have to stop supporting your game because now you will not update this game no more on and also your putting this game on steam and i have no money on steam so i can,t buy it on steam so this might be the last thing i post here so good bye Marco

hey dude i just wanted to say that I think your game is amazing and i play it all the time but plz add multiplayer thx dude


Multiplayer will need a few more time to be integrated, but i'm working on it.

Hi marco, when the game fully releases on steam, will there be a free option like the thanks.


On i will not publish those versions that are destinated for Steam. I could anyway put some version with bug fixes or some little news, but the main version will be only on steam.

thanks for the info

game it starts to lag then crashes 

Hi. This is really strange. Does this happens every time? Does this happens in every mission? 


awesome game  but it starts to lag after awhile when I am loading into the game but overall its a great game but sadly I cant buy the full game since I got no internet money


Hi. This is so strange but it's the second advice for the lag problem. We just test it on several machines. The only machines that has "problems" where those with limited hardware, so you should maybe lower the graphic settings or/and the game resolution. I know that the game weight on the pc resources, but this is because it is an open world with special mechanics. I'm working to optimize it anyway.

So happy that i downloaded the newer version! so much better and i'm really happy the way this game is turning out! :D good job Mr Dev! :D


I'm very glad you like it. I know that this game has lot of thing that needs some work, and i'm doing my best to release a new improved version every week.

Anyway i would like to tell you that i really really like your gameplays. 

Hey! well i would like to say your doing an amazing job! keep up the outstanding work! i am very happy to hear you like the videos :D many more to come! :D

hey Marco here are 10 DLC ideas you can add after your done with the base game Marco

1 Vietnam war

2 Korean war

3 Russian civil war

4 soviet war in Afghanistan

5 Napoleonic wars

6 American civil war

7 American revolutionary war

8 Chinese civil war

9 Iran-Iraq war

10 Mexican revolution

(bonus) world war 3

you have it Marco those are my ideas for DLCs hope to see is least 3 of
these DLCs in your game i also did not include ww1 because you are
alrighty thinking about added that but as always keep up the great work

Hi and thank you. I will see what i can do.

i cant download this (im using the itch app) every time i click install it does the download thing (theres no progress) for a few seconds then theres the install button again

Hi. The reason could be that this is a zipped file uploaded to mega. I'm sorry, but for the moment you should use the link from the web site.

i tried downloading windows version from website and app but it does not work i have played older versions so i know the game works so plz fix

Hi. What happens exactly when you launch the game?

the game crashes

Does it happens even with the newer version?

Him does this happens with the new 7.0 version?


Great game however, it would be nice if you added a visual hit indicator.



Just to let you know, the flamethrower's ammunition stays 100 when I used it.

Yes, that's not a bug. Flamethrower is not finished yet.

(3 edits)

I looked through the comments of this game to find solutions but, for some reason I cannot download the Mac version of the game (on the website, not desktop app). Could you fix this or provide a manual link for the download, on a separate site.

**EDIT: Nevermind I've since fixed the problem just needed to enable a vpn

**EDIT2: The download still does not work, stops at 68.5mb

Hi. Thank you for your feedback. This is so strage, i will take a look for it. If you neednyo download the MAC version manually, get it here:!cMYEXCab!kgxyTygqP58t-DvQ4iDOhrLBu1_uDptXQiFAW2GAEYg

Nevermind the download still doesn't work, it stops at 68.5 mb, could you post it on a diffrent webstie. Thank you if you do.

Of course, i just need some few hours.

The link should be fixed. You can try now.


Hey Marco. Just a small bug report: Sometimes when you quit to main menu,  the objective of the mission that you've played remains at the top of the screen.

Yap, i noticed that and it's on list to be fixed on next version.


A small suggestion: Hold G to wait after pulling the pin before throwing the grenade.


Thank you, this will listed to be implemented.

(1 edit) (-1)

whenever i press install nothing happens can anyone tell me how to solve this problem and i use itch program


I never used the Itch Software, so i can't help you with it, but you could anyway download the game directly from the desktop site.

Marco. Is it possible to jump over the side of a landing craft?


Not yet, but it's a planned feature.

Ok. I hope its soon.


Everytime I click install the game does not download and the install button pops back up.

Deleted 7 years ago
Deleted 7 years ago
(1 edit)

When you leave the tank you exit out of the front so you get run over most of times


You can't get off from vehices while theyare moving in real life. This game is a simulator, so, it should be realistic. Do you think i suould anyway make soldiers get off from vehicles when they want?

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, you can make an animation of the soldier opening the hatch and jump off the side, real life soldiers do it when their tanks are on fire. And cause some slight wounds.


This is a very good idea. Enering/leaving vehicles animations are planned so i can make it 

Hi. I followed your idea. I added this features (with animation) in the current build. If you can, tell me if you like it. Keep in mind that animation is not the final one.

Cool, I'll try it out if I can.


I HAVE NO OBJECTIVES!... | Easy Red | Part 3

I had no objectives in this episode which was weird... but i didn't mind! still fun still awesome! :D

As always very funny. I just think you should update the game, you are playing a very old version, lot of the shown problems has already fided from a while.

haha thankyou! :D and damn! feels like i'm living back in the stone age XD i will definitely update the game! :D thankyou! :)

Don't worry, there is totally no problem, the game is still the same, you just have some new missions, features and bug fixes. Mostly on the AI movements.

Awesome! :D 

ok so I've ask a lot from you I know. can I have permission to upload videos of gameplay and weapon reviews. or just gameplay?

You an upload what you want, even videos where you talk bad about the game.

So i played a bit and came back with a bug. apparently, on german side, any map, when you turn off HUD and turn it back on, it doesnt show enemies left to kill. for example, it be 

24/50 left to kill, i turn off the HUD and turn it back on,

it 24/50 left to kill doesn't pop back up

thank you i didn't notice that. I will fix it.

I couldn't find this bug. Are you sure you just disabked HUD and bug dosn't came from other sources? Arenyou sure you wasn't outside the trigger area or the trigger was changed?

marco could you allow/create pre-orders on steam

Probably yes, but i'm not sure i will do that.  I don't know exactly when i will publish it. i think around 1-2 months.

Marco. I have a problem. In the mission "Near Carentaren", the allies tank keeps on bumping into trees,get stuck the AI who Is driving doesn't know how to drive backwards. Please fix it, thank you :)


Of course, i'm working on it. That's why i didn't add other tanks or tanks battles yet.

Will the game be free if you release it on steam?

After all the time and the money spent i think it will not free, but it will also not cost more then 10€ (maybe only 5€)

Yay! Its not expensive :D. Thank you!

This might seem odd, but when i spawn, i spawn with pistol ammo, but never an actual pistol. this is for every faction n mission

(1 edit)

Yes, you almost always spawn with a pistol. If you press TAB key

You can switch to secondary weapon (pistol).

Whenever i go to download it, MEGA always fail to download the game. Can you fix this?

i Think this is a connection error, dosn't depend on me.

It's more than likely what you said, thanks again!

hey Marco i have a idea for you so when you add multiplayer can you make
it so you can make offline matches so like you can play with bots so
you can play multiplayer when theres like no people online or when your
internet is down and you can also set how many bots you want

(1 edit)

Thank you. I think you already wrote this tip.

Thank you for changing the download link and for the hard work on the new version!

Thank you.

Hey Marco are flamethrowers in this build of the game and if so what map and side are they on 

-Cheers and keep up the awesome work

Unfortunatly no. They are not finished yet, i hope i will add them in the next build.

(1 edit)

yo marco can you add  playstation controller support 

ps: just suggesting this idea just to throw it out there

I will see what i can do.

Hey Marco! Just a little problem. AI's mostly get stuck on small places like at the edge of bridges. Please fix

Thank you. I will work on this.

Hey Marco! Just a little problem. AI's mostly get stuck on small places like at the edge of bridges. Please fix

Hey marco add japanese troops..

And some new 2 weapon options for each class.and loving your game keep it 

New weapons are incoming. I can't add japanese for now. I'm working on operation Overlord. The map is the normandy, i should make a totaly new map for adding japanese troops. DLC with new maps will added only when the main game will complete.

thnx for the quick reply..playing it right now..

And just one thing will the main  game will be free or we have to purchase it..

Thnx a

V0.6 (and some other future updates) will be the last free versions. To have access to some future release, you will have to pay the game on anyway it will be some few cents.

For the full release on steam it will have a final cost. I think it will not more than 10€. Anyway it will aviable even on if you has already paid for it while it was in development.

thnx for the quick reply..playing it right now..

And just one thing will the main  game will be free or we have to purchase it..

Thnx a

thnx for the quick reply..playing it right now..

And just one thing will the main  game will be free or we have to purchase it..

Thnx a

Hey Marco maybe i'm a bit early for the V.06 but i try to download it and it take's me to this page:!pZJDibiK!9oeGHDI_cIx_JhUAaN3-A8PGrxguhvJAvM-I6A2FeX8 it say's that the page is 'Not Safe' and i can't proceed to download can you fix this issue please thanks man ! : )

Probably there is a little link that says "proceed anyway" and will bring you to download. There is no reason why shouldn't be a trusted site.

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